Sunday, May 31, 2015

Summer in the City

One year ago I was writing from Italy. Less then 24 hours after landing from that trip, I moved into an apartment with two of my dearest friends. Since then, I began a year of teaching at Dance Gallery, my siblings vacationed in Northern California, my perspective grew from the show Two Rooms, I completed my English Portfolio and Colloquium, experienced DC for the first time, toured with University Singers and competed at KCACTF for the last time, graduated, began working four new jobs, performed, grew from and made friends through two shows with Sioux Empire Community Theater, and moved out of my apartment. My family and friends have experienced enough highs and lows in the last twelve months to make it feel like it's been six years instead of one. 

And now here I am, sitting in Chicago O'Hare, waiting to board a plane to my next adventure. One girl, two carry-on bags and ten weeks studying at Stella Adler Summer Conservatory in NYC. 

This is going to be a summer of learning to trust my heart and my God as I have no clue what's to come. I'm equally terrified that I'll either come home totally changed or that I won't change at all. Does that even make sense? 

Uh oh. It's time to board. Stay tuned! 
All my love,

And PS: Yes, ten weeks in two carry-on bags is rather difficult, but I pride myself on under packing. Though I can't guarantee it'll go the same way back home. ;)